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Best investment strategies for small business owners

Every business owner’s vision is same as all of them want to be as successful as possible. Are you also putting your heart and soul into your company, like the most business owners do? So, the question arises, how much time and money do you invest in your future.

Though it’s important to spend money on your operation, you need to take care of yourself, too.

Spending money on operations is logical and so is hedging yourselves against potential risks.

That’s where investments come in. Using right strategy, you can build your personal wealth without leaving your company dry.

So here are few investment options for all the small business owners,

· Invest in your business

Isn’t it the common sense? Aren’t we discussing about investing in other options than our own business? Well yes, but the money you will invest in your own brand will bring more money.

How you can invest more in your business? It could be anything that will either expand your product mix or your product line like new equipment, launching digital platform, big vendor tie-ups, hiring new talent or even acquisitions.

· Investing in smart stocks

Usually, people associate the stock market with high-cost investments but it’s not always true. Some big brand shares can be expensive but there are multiple safe

stocks which are available in few bucks. To ensure your chances to succeed is to choose different stocks across industries in varied cap ranges. For more info, refer here.

· Risk management

While investing is an option to boost your income but if done wrong can have adverse effects on not only you but also your business. Also, your business might already have some specific risks involved. Hence, figuring out all the risks pertaining your business is extremely crucial. Simple method to manage risk is: Identify | Assess | Manage | Monitor and review the risk.

· Start a retirement account

There will come a point when you would like to retire and by then you will need a robust retirement plan to cover your expenses. So, start as soon as you can. Open a retirement account in schemes such as NPS, LIC etc. and make monthly contributions. If you already have one, increase your contributions if at all possible.

· Tax Planning

Invest in a good tax planner, which is your Chartered Accountant.

Taxes are both time consuming and frustrating. And when you’re a business owner, you’re responsible for both your personal and business taxes. Your accountant will take care of the data entry, preparation, and filing for you.

As an added bonus, you will also get the privileged knowledge of the ins and outs of the tax code through your CA. This means they’ll spot deductions you might miss or not know about altogether, thereby, saving you a good amount of tax.

· Strategic budgeting

Small businesses depend on the effectiveness of а business owner’s planning process. One of the most сritiсаl elements of this рrосess is budget planning, which is investing in right thing for your business.

To begin, you have to gather соmраny financial dаtа, fоreсаsts, and industry analysis to help you build your business budget. А smart budgeting саn save а lot of оver-exрenditure which adds up to your profits.

· Emergency funds

An emergency fund is an essential corpus that you must keep aside to tackle emergencies.

Also, to be in a position to cover unexpected expenses the emergency fund should be liquid.

It is the most critical feature that you should keep in mind when you are choosing where to park your emergency fund.

You should be able to withdraw the money when you need it and with no delay.


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